The board members smile at each other, nodding their vague approval (strictly according to company protocol.) in a collaborative critical mass guesture. The company demands absolute agreement, divine and automatically structured, so shall it be. The end. The "yes" men/womyn are all paid in equal, pre-recorded, amounts that selectively materialise in their lap-dances only once successful death of the relevant idea (or thought process) has been properly verified through psychic interrogation. There is no exit from the executive suite of the international hotel. All requests for brain matter transplant or semi-permanent (partial) lobotomy are considered highly suspicious, noted as such indefinately, and forcefully denied. When the board is in session, and it always is, members are expected to maintain a strict diet of pure water, lard and/or purely petrochemical based vitamins, proteins and minerals.
Resistance Rising is a look into our lives with an incomplete but comprehensive critique with a foundation in primitivist thought. To be a radical, is to be at the root, to search for the foundations of the systems of control, and to dismantle them. At this point, leftism has proven itself to be reliant upon failing, and worse yet, grounded in the maintenance of systematic manipulation.We, as radicals, must go deeper, and began to cast off our ideological shackles that have bound us to a history of repetition and drudgery. Resistance is not revolution. Revolution, even the most radical ones we have been taught about, at times requires ideologies that bind us into boxes, crushing any creativity and true desire, secretly creating hierarchies of importance with our own lives. Resistance comes from a deeper, more primal place.
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