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dream transcribed last week

i dreamt about weird hotels, complexes, apartments, office buildings and coridoors that stretch on forever again...this time there was an alligator in the airducts, male prostitutes in the toilets, people i'd never met before looking at me strangely. i dont know why either... then there was this guy with grey hair and one of those silly masks with the moustace attached and the eyebrows... he was tall and wearing this old black suit, with a white shirt, black tie...and he was smiling at me but didnt say anything just stood there in the middle of the coridoor...i kept walking and walking through the coridoors and opening doors into sunlight rooms which is werid cause i was sure that it was night time when i couldnt see outside there were fire extinguishers, and they were black i realised that they were to put out the fires started by subversives like me and i started moving faster thinking maybe that the guy in the suit was waiting for me to start a fire and he knew that i would, sooner or later, he was expecting it and thats why he was smiling at me then i came to the end of the coridoor and had to break through the door on the left i was convinced that they were coming for me but every time i turned around i couldnt see anyone behind me...anything but that endless coridoor, the doors leading into sunlit rooms, so bright that you wouldnt wanna stay in there so i ran into the door on the left but it was dark this made me happy. i walked slowly into the room, it felt like a broom closet or something but it seemed to grow as i walked into it the more i pushed, with my presence, the more the room would expand...i could just see a few feet in front of me but i knew that this room could grow forever as long as i kept expanding it would grow around me to fit me in if i kept exploring, the room would create mroe for me to discover forever so i keep walking and then i stop. and i realise that i'm at the ledge of this huge cliff i can feel the ground beneath me its hard rock and red dust...and the little specks of red dust are tumbling over the edge and everything else that i can see is stars i walk forward and look down nothing but stars but i feel comfortable safe and happy like i'm in my place MY PLACE it was a really intense kinda nothing you can have in the city or the burbs or even towns i leap off the edge and wake up! AudryAutonomy 2666


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